letter from our co-founder
Cindi Ingram
Cindi Ingram
Co-Founder/Board Member
Rachel’s House is God’s dream planted in the hearts of many women. Rachel, the mother of Joseph and Benjamin in the Old Testament, birthed two of the sons of Israel. We view Rachel’s House as a place to birth new stories of righteousness, justice, and faith in the lives of the women that will live in her home.
It will take a village of faithful believers to make this dream possible. As we follow His steps, we ask if you’ll join us in making this home available for the young women that are in need of this service. We believe that each person involved has a God-given gift that Rachel’s House will need. We also know God will put all of the right people in the right places at the right time. If you would like real stories of how He has already done that, please ask us, and we’ll be happy to share.
We’ve stepped out in faith to follow the call that He has given us, and we trust Him to continue opening doors and providing a way forward. The ultimate goal is giving Jesus to the women that enter Rachel’s House. We believe the services we are going to provide will allow their hearts to open up to His truth, love, and salvation.
The journey has just begun and we would love for you to join us! Please prayerfully consider the role God might be asking you to play in this ministry.
Cindi Ingram
Co-Founder/Board Member